Marketing IS Sales. Sales IS Marketing.

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Guy discusses his point of view on what marketing actually is. If you don’t think marketing is sales, then you must give this a listen to change your perspective. Too many owners get duped on what marketing really is. 

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Okay, today’s topic, or what I’m going to talk about today is something that has been bugging me for a while. It’s a conversation I always have with my team. And an argument I always get into with other marketing gurus out there. And it’s a simple it’s a simple concept, that simple topic, but it’s really important that it’s understood if, if you want your marketing to actually work for you. So here it is, it’s really simple marketing is sales and sales is marketing.

So let me explain what I mean by that. So basically,

when your marketing is

in a box, and isolated and only doing one thing for you only generating leads or are only getting people into the door.

It’s not thinking in terms of sales, it’s not like there’s a lot of tactics you could do in marketing to trick people to download your latest report or sign up for a webinar or whatever, like you could, I could get more people to webinar than I then I could, I could get more of the wrong people to a webinar and less of the right people to the webinar as an example, but if I get if I the way I get less of the right people to a webinar, I will produce more sales from that webinar. In my opinion, quite frankly, a webinar is a marketing responsibility not a sales responsibility if we’re looking at in terms of marketing teams and sales teams. So the way you would market to a webinar get people to onto a webinar you’re selling I mean you’re selling in that email copy you’re selling you’re overcoming objections in order for them to be ready to purchase on that webinar like they need to be ready to purchase already come on to the webinar there and then there’s there to get sold you know clothes could be closed essentially right but the whole process of selling is from the very beginning I mean if you’re if your lead magnet is not selling if your immediate email follow up is not selling if your

if your campaigns to get people to a webinar not selling then then you’re not marketing right i mean you’re not doing the job I mean because ultimately for both marketing teams and sales teams The goal is to is to sell something so close on the product that your service that you’re selling and everyone needs to be selling you know like 20 years ago sales teams were doing more selling

than then marketing was but today that shifted like marketing is doing more selling than sales teams are

so so that’s what marketing means. That’s why marketing is sales and sales and marketing and if you don’t understand that or buy into that then you’re always going to be frustrated with your marketing and be frustrated with the marketing vendors you can be frustrated with your marketing results you can be frustrated with Why am I getting all these leads from Facebook but no but I’m not getting sales from it if you’re even tracking your Facebook leads to sales all these reasons it’s for those reasons like everything marketing is selling right and selling is marketing and and that’s what I want you to take away from this episode because that simple concept will shift everything that you do all the choices you make I mean from the vendors you hire to the teams you have to you know how you lead those teams

if you’re if your marketing is not selling then you do marketing wrong I’m sorry like yeah, you have to generate leads and you have to generate appointments and you have nurture leads. That’s more like a job description right? You what you what you have to do is is sell I mean it’s just that’s it’s really just that simple.

If you have any questions on this topic, feel free to email me guy at the CMO minute calm.

I will be doing probably a more in depth

discussion on this as part of my bonus content. So if you want to sign up for my bonus content, go to cmo minute comm slash bonus.

And you can sign up for that there. And you know, I mean I touched on all of it. The webinars, the emails and everything you have to your marketing team has to be selling and your sales team has to be marketing to. So it’s it’s just that simple. It’s like you know what’s the Ace Ventura movie? It’s like

Finkle is Einhorn Einhorn the single it’s it’s it’s, it’s like that you know it. It changed and the successful companies who are selling in the marketing and views marketing

Are the successful companies. Now there’s more to it. There’s branding and the brand promise,

and the positioning and the targeting and all that stuff, all the traditional marketing stuff, but that’s just more of the science behind

the marketing not but but once you act, the activities of marketing selling, I mean, that’s the bottom line. I mean, I was, I’m in this Facebook group, I’m not gonna name it.

If you’re in the direct response marketing world, you probably are familiar with the group and who runs the group. So I’m not I’m not going to go there.

But there was a question that was asked

which was what’s something you wish more people knew about digital marketing? And my response was,

well, someone responded, marketing does not mean sales. And I’m like, Alright, I cannot I cannot disagree more with that. So my response was,

that actually it does. And, and then and then the response after that was

you know, from the from the one of the person who wrote actually does was actually doesn’t marketing gets you in the door sales is what makes you walk out with a receipt. And, you know, that’s, that’s one way of looking at it. But that’s very transactional like it that that’s a tactician speaking and the whole, I mean, I’m going to do an episode on tactics or strategy technicians versus strategists.

Huge difference and you got to understand that too.

But that’s a tactician call to talking and in tacticians are all about the immediate results, not not the bigger picture and that’s kind of a big summary of it, but that’s a technician speaking strategist, which is what I would consider myself

understands that marketing is selling and you have to it may not be closing it may not be getting the credit card, or sometimes it is sometimes you could, you could do an email campaign and push people to a cart and have them check out especially if you’re an e commerce, but in the b2b space, I mean, you could still sell info products, you know, price anywhere from $1 to $1,000 or $3,000. You could sell programs that are anywhere from you know, 100 bucks to to a few 1000 bucks, I mean, so you could still do all that and drive that to to close and then that sales page has to close that selling I mean, marketing creates the sales page and that’s selling that sales so I don’t get it.

I think that’s a really bad way of looking at it. And and that type of thinking is what I think drives most owners

to be frustrated with marketing is because, you know, everyone touts you know, click through rates and cost per click and leads and also stuff but like, it means nothing without sales. So anyway, that’s the lesson for today. So start thinking about marketing is sales, and then figure out how to to be to improve your salesmanship and your marketing. See you later.

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